IDEX – Early exercise of warrants

In order to provide additional liquidity to the company and to meet the conditions for listing of the IDEX shares at Oslo Axess, the extraordinary general meeting of IDEX ASA on 17 February 2010 resolved to authorise the board of directors to allow early exercise of warrants. The authorisation was valid until the first day of trading at Oslo Axess.

 By the close of business on 9 March 2010, IDEX had received subscriptions for exercise of 181,631,781 warrants from warrants holders who had paid NOK 0.10 per share to the company, in total NOK 18,163,178.10. For the avoidance of doubt, it is stated that the number of warrants and the price is stated as at 9 March 2010, i.e. before the share consolidation takes effect on 10 March 2010.

 The board of directors has accepted the subscriptions and resolved to issue the shares. The share capital will increase by NOK 9,081,589.05 NOK to NOK 30,075,808.50.

 IDEX’ equity and liquidity will increase by NOK 18.2 million.

 Following the exercise above, the company’s share capital will amount to NOK 30,075,808.50. Following the share consolidation taking effect on 10 March 2010, the share capital is divided into 200,505,390 registered shares at NOK 0,15.

 10 March 2010


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