eBook: Be your own authentication: the case for a digital identity solution in a connected world

How do you identify yourself when someone cannot see you? Traditionally we have relied on passwords and PINs. but they are clearly no longer fit for purpose in a digital world. Instead we need to move towards digital identity.

Following high profile data leaks and privacy concerns, consumers have begun to feel that they, and their data, are just not being treated fairly or responsibly by digital services. But with so many services now online, simply turning off our personal data is not an option.

So consumers need a better, more secure approach to their digital self. They need a secure, reusable digital identity that can dramatically improve the digital experience for both individuals and the online service providers.

This eBook outlines digital identity, how the solution has evolved and why it now offers a more secure, convenient and responsible way to authenticate who you are.

Download this eBook to learn:

  • What is digital identity?
  • How consumers feel about their digital identity and data privacy concerns
  • How is digital identity evolving to support on online lives?
  • Why biometric authentication digital ID is essential to combine convenience and security
  • The benefits of a biometric digital ID



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