IDEX – New share capital registered

Reference is made to the notice on 3 February 2010 regarding the conversion of debt to A. S. Holding A/S into shares and the resolution of the extraordinary general meeting on 17 February 2010 when the conversion was approved. The equity of IDEX ASA (“IDEX”) increased by NOK 13.1 million by the conversion. The share capital increase associated with the conversion has been registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises.

The issued share capital of IDEX including the new shares is NOK 20,994,219.45 and the total number of issued and outstanding ordinary shares is 419,884,389 each having a par value of NOK 0.05.

Enclosed in pdf file are the current company certificate and the current articles of association for IDEX. The certificate is in the Norwegian language only.

19 February 2010

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