IDEX Biometrics – Let’s Talk About How IDEX Biometrics is Changing the Fingerprint Sensor Market
Welcome to our first 2021 Let’s Talk post on how IDEX Biometrics is more than just a component supplier in the fingerprint biometric authentication space. In this post, Peter Kollig, Senior Director of Engineering, Systems Architecture at IDEX Biometrics, discusses how IDEX is changing the market by offering smart card and device manufacturers a comprehensive and therefore different approach.
IDEX Biometrics is focused on developing useful, functional, and affordable fingerprint sensors and biometric solutions, for smart cards, whether they be for use in the Payments, Access Control, ID or Healthcare verticals. We also integrate our technologies into IoT and other embedded devices.
IDEX is a true end-to-end fingerprint biometric authentication company, and we have developed a full fingerprint biometric platform which includes the fingerprint sensor or module, a range of reference designs and integration kits, biometric algorithms and an on-card enrollment solution. In addition, we have the most extensive preferred partner network regarding complimentary component suppliers including Secure Element (SE) providers and Card Inlay & Prelam providers. This ensures that manufacturers that work with us get to market quicker.
We recognize that embedding biometric authentication technology into smart cards and devices is not simple, so we make it a painless process by having everything already set-up and tried and tested. For example, we build out proof of concepts, define system requirements and set key performance indicators (KPIs). We also implement the biometric system and validate the associated KPIs. We define and propose the security architecture of the biometric system including secure enrollment, secure biometric verification and secure channels. This includes security evaluations and security risk assessments. Furthermore, we provide all the kit needed for system development and system characterization to our customers. We even agree certification flows (at the biometric, usability and security levels) with the multiple certification bodies (if required) and provide the necessary tooling.
The development of fingerprint biometric authentication technologies clearly requires a significant amount of testing, and each biometric sensor is tested in a variety of real-world scenarios, helping to ensure that they function as required in the myriad situations that could be encountered during their life-time.
The posts in this updated 2021 Let’s Talk series will look deeper at the various components of the IDEX Biometrics solution set:
- Our hardware
- Our software
- Our security architecture
- Our testing programme
- Our partner network
- Our knowledge and expertise.