Morten Opstad



Morten Opstad has served as Chair of the board in IDEX from March 1997 until the annual general meeting in 2023, at which time Mr. Opstad became a Board member. Mr. Opstad was reelected as Chair of the Board at the annual general meeting in 2024. Mr. Opstad is a partner in Ræder Bing AS advokatfirma. He has rendered legal assistance with respect to establishing and organizing several technology and innovation companies. He is a board member in Ensurge Micropower ASA, a publicly listed technology company. Mr. Opstad has a legal degree (Cand.Jur.) from the University of Oslo and was admitted to the Norwegian Bar Association in 1986. Mr. Opstad was born in 1953, is a Norwegian citizen, and resides in Oslo.

As of 31 December 2023, Mr. Opstad and close relations held or controlled 1,479,786 shares and 0 (nil) rights to shares in IDEX.

Historical number of shares are restated to reflect the 5:1 share consolidation (reverse split) that became effective on record date 10 January 2024.