Disclosure of voting rights in IDEX – Morten Opstad

IDEX ASA issues this notice on behalf of Morten Opstad who discloses voting rights to 18.1 per cent of the shares in the company.

Morten Opstad is chairman of IDEX ASA and shall open the extraordinary general meeting of the company on 29 January 2014. Mr. Opstad and his close associates hold or control 6,867,165 shares representing 2.0 per cent of the share capital of IDEX. By the close of business on 14 January 2014 he had received powers of attorney to represent and vote for 55,647,156 additional shares. In total Mr. Opstad will represent and vote for 18.1 per cent of the share capital. Some of the powers of attorney may have voting instructions. The powers of attorney are only valid at this extraordinary general meeting.

15 January 2014



Web: www.idexbiometrics.com  

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/idexasa 

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/idex-asa  



Erling Svela, CFO, +47 4062 1040, erling.svela(at)idexbiometrics.com


About IDEX

IDEX ASA specialises in fingerprint imaging and recognition technology. IDEX’s vision is to ensure individuals a safe, secure, and user-friendly use of personal ID. IDEX has developed the award-winning SmartFinger technology platform based on the Company’s core intellectual property, including the patented fingerprint imaging principle, sensing scheme and chip design. Combined with core software solutions for imaging and authentication, the SmartFinger technology enables on-device enrollment, template storage and verification within the very same module. SmartFinger solutions can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of embedded applications such as mobile phones, one-time password devices, Smartcards, payment and ID cards, payment terminals, access control devices and biometric security and login tokens.

IDEX ASA (ticker IDEX) is a Norwegian public company listed at the Oslo Axess marketplace on the Oslo Børs (Oslo stock exchange). For more information, please visit www.idexbiometrics.com or contact IDEX at mailbox@idexbiometrics.com  


This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 4 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.